Infuse the Pu'er
DaoThe Pu'er:
Dao organic Pu'er tea is a " Pu'er " or "Pu'erh " tea, prepared with care using traditional methods, from the young shoots of the tea plants.
Originally from the province of Yunnan, DaoThé Pu'er is not a tea like the others.
This is a high quality pu'er Gong Ting "Imperial Palace Tea".
*Pu'erh (another French transcription of Chinese 普洱)
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
The benefits of DaoThé Pu'er?
Let's not confine such a versatile tea to a few boxes. Experience it and judge for yourself.
To infuse DaoThé Pu'er:
1) Take a teaspoon of DaoThé which you will place in the tea ball.
2) Heat water (source or filtered ideally) to 95° or 100°
3) Pour the water into your cup and immerse the tea ball in it, wait until the infusion turns red .
4) Remove the tea infuser and keep it aside for reuse .
5 ) You can reuse your DaoThé until it no longer gives color. (3 to 4 large cups with a teaspoon of tea).
6 ) Enjoy DaoThé all day long, it does not prevent you from sleeping.
Enjoy it after meals, when you are tired, at breakfast and as a snack and in the evening before sleeping.