Dao'Thé Pu'er is a rare and precious tea, to drink throughout the day.
You can brew a liter of tea with 3g (one teaspoon) and it reuses as long as it gives color.
Enjoy it from morning to evening, for young and old, very low in theine it will not prevent you from sleeping.
Ideal after meals.
Composed of buds, it improves over time.
Découvrez l'authenticité et l'élégance du DaoThé Thé Pu'er Sauvage, un pu'er cru haut de gamme, cultivé sur les pentes des montagnes du Yunnan, dans des jardins où les théiers centenaires prospèrent depuis des siècles. Ce Pu'er exceptionnel est une véritable immersion dans l’histoire du thé, offrant une qualité et une profondeur incomparables, résultant de la culture ancestrale et du savoir-faire millénaire des producteurs locaux.
Le Pu'er cru, ou Sheng Pu'er, est un thé vivant qui se transforme et se bonifie au fil des années, évoluant d'une saveur végétale et fraîche vers des arômes plus profonds et complexes avec le temps. Ce thé sauvage, provenant de théiers âgés de plusieurs centaines d'années, vous offre une infusion délicate mais intense, marquée par des notes florales, légèrement boisées, avec une pointe de fraîcheur herbacée et une légère douceur en bouche tout en faisant le plein d'énergie.
Ce thé, d’une rareté et d’une finesse exceptionnelles, est une expérience sensorielle unique pour les amateurs de thés fins et authentiques.
Dao organic Pu'er tea is a " Pu'er " or "Pu'erh " tea, prepared with care using traditional methods, from the young shoots of the tea plants.
Originally from the province of Yunnan, DaoThé Pu'er is not a tea like the others.
This is a high quality pu'er Gong Ting "Imperial Palace Tea".
*Pu'erh (another French transcription of Chinese 普洱)
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Let's not confine such a versatile tea to a few boxes. Experience it and judge for yourself.
1) Take a teaspoon of DaoThé which you will place in the tea ball.
2) Heat water (source or filtered ideally) to 95° or 100°
3) Pour the water into your cup and immerse the tea ball in it, wait until the infusion turns red .
4) Remove the tea infuser and keep it aside for reuse .
5 ) You can reuse your DaoThé until it no longer gives color. (3 to 4 large cups with a teaspoon of tea).
6 ) Enjoy DaoThé all day long, it does not prevent you from sleeping.
Enjoy it after meals, when you are tired, at breakfast and as a snack and in the evening before sleeping.
Destiny, also called 缘分 (Yuan Fen) in Chinese, is the root of all connection or interaction between things and sentient beings.
We consider that each person who is brought to taste our tea has a special bond with us.
Tea is a connecting element: in China, when we have to discuss something important, it will always be over tea. To speak philosophy, what could be better than an exceptional tea? To release your inspiration... To meditate, think about a delicate subject or relax and unwind. Tea is a central part of life. And something so important in everyday life must be impeccable in quality, taste and benefits.
After training in traditional Chinese medicine for several years in Paris, I went to China, in the province of Yunnan, to Kunming (capital of the province) to practice this medicine with specialists in acupuncture and pharmacopoeia in city hospitals and clinics.
This trip, driven by a feeling, a search for something higher, led me to a Chinese woman. She, tea master, perpetuates a forgotten tradition passed down only to a select few. This tradition is based on very precise rules that derive directly from the ancient Taoist culture (道), today called Dao. This set of techniques applies in particular to one tea: pu'er tea. Today known throughout the world, this very old tea is now protected by an appellation contrôlée. It is produced only in the Chinese province of Yunnan.
We quickly fell in love and we decided to unite our destinies.
Naturally, we sought to connect the cultures of our respective countries and we want to discover our Pu'er tea in France and in Europe.
Our requirements : our tea is grown according to the laws of nature, taking the necessary time and no chemical or unnatural substances are used. It is systematically tested by independent laboratories and meets European and French standards for organic farming. A French certification body: Ecocert (FR-BIO-01) regularly checks our teas.
Our tea is produced in the traditional way and by hand. We are regularly on the plantation during the harvest. We control each step and add our knowledge.
Many factors make our tea exceptional.
So that everyone finds their way.
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